Fishpool Street shone brightly this Christmas with a scintillating display of lighting along the entire length of the street – led by house No 106, the overall winner of this year’s ‘Deck the Doors’ competition.
Also winning a prize of a sumptuous box of chocolates was number 76, who stole the show in the Children’s category.
Top of the judges’ list in two further categories were No 137 for Best Wreath and No 172 for Most Elegant.
It was hardly surprising that this year’s overall winner, No 106, should be chosen from the Lighting category – there were so many contenders and such stiff competition. But anyone driving or walking along the street could hardly fail to take in the blaze of light around the front door and windows of No 106 (pictured left).
OVERALL WINNER: Kyle and Jake, No 106
Best Children’s: Alice and Joel, No 76 (pictured right)
Best Lighting: Kyle and Jake, No 106
Best Wreath: Frank and Maria, No 137
Most Elegant: Holly, No 172
Children’s: The Kirkman family, No 40
Wreath: Joel and Caroline, No 80
Lighting: Irena, No 61, and Holly and Bill, No 172
Elegant: Julia and Nick, No 46, and Irena, No 61